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  • Boa Vista - Roraima - Brazil
  • +55 (95) 99146-6184

About Treeback

We are a Brazilian startup focused on reforesting the Amazon.

Founded in Roraima, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, Treeback's DNA lies in the forest recovery of degraded areas through tools that allow the conversion of referral marketing commissions from purchases at the largest online stores in Brazil and the world into planted trees.

Welcome to the Tree Cashback.

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How Treeback Works

We've developed a simple way for you to help reforest the Amazon, and the best part is, you don't have to pay anything for it. You just need to make your online purchases from your favorite store through Treeback to earn cashback in planted trees. One detail: the products purchased through our platform cost the same as if they were bought directly from our partner stores.

Treeback for You

See how easy it is to contribute to Amazon reforestation.

Choose Your Product

Access our platform and choose the product you love and intend to purchase from our over 30 partner stores, in Brazil and worldwide, at the same price.


Shop through Treeback

When you buy through Treeback at our partner stores, we receive a commission from your purchase, which we use to plant trees, as simple as that.


We Plant Your Trees

With the earned commissions, we plant trees in degraded areas of the Amazon, and you receive exclusive access to monitor your tree.

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Treeback for Your Company

We offset your company's carbon emissions in a simple and straightforward way.

Calculate Your Carbon

Access our platform's exclusive carbon emission calculator, fill in your company's data as requested, and submit it.


We Compensate for You

We'll get in touch and convert your carbon emissions into planted trees. We'll plant the necessary quantity to offset your emissions for the specified period.


Certify the Planting

Through auditing tools, we certify the planting and generate your map on our exclusive tracking platform to be shared on your company's social networks.

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Early Forest Fire Detection System.

We take care of the Amazon not only by reforesting but also by preserving the native forest from natural and criminal fires.


Ultra Early Detection

Our long-range sensors installed in the forest, combined with highly accurate satellites, allow the detection of forest fires within 1 to 60 minutes after ignition.

This is an unprecedented solution in Brazil, with German technology based on LoRaWan. The sensors connect with each other, creating a vast protection network for the forest, even without internet coverage.

When the sensor detects the presence of CO2, an alert is sent to our app or web platform, identifying the exact location of the forest fire's origin, enabling the early activation of relevant authorities and the rapid arrival of firefighters and brigades.

Amazon in Flames

According to MapBiomas, in the first half of 2023 alone, more than 1.45 million hectares of Amazon forest were consumed by fire.

Every year, since 1985, an area equivalent to more than two Belgiums has been set on fire in the Brazilian Amazon.

The biome has been the most burned in the country over the past four decades, with an average of 68,000 square kilometers affected by fire annually, according to a survey conducted by the MapBiomas network in partnership with the IPAM (Institute of Environmental Research of the Amazon).

The area burned at least once between 1985 and 2022 totals 809,500 square kilometers, or 19% of the Brazilian Amazon.










Reforestation Projects

We have mapped, along with environmental agencies, the degraded areas of the Amazon in the state of Roraima that need to be restored, and we will initially focus our efforts on them.

Trees Needed:15,000
Planted by Treeback:1,122

Alto Rio Uraricoera

An area severely impacted by illegal mining, which has deforested a large part of the Uraricoera Riverbed.

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Trees Needed:10,000
Planted by Treeback:4,800

Leito do Rio Mucajaí

A region near Boa Vista, with degraded areas due to illegal mining, urgently needs restoration.

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Trees Needed:2,500
Planted by Treeback:230

Comunidade Indígena Tabalascada

This region needs the restoration of native vegetation after the closure of a landfill site in the area.

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Our Team

We have a team of experts from different backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines, ready to scale our business to any level.


Antonio Cerqueira

Founder & CEO


Leticia Santos

Marketing Manager


Jonathan Reis

Environmental Technician


Sofia Rodrigues

Commercial Manager

Upcoming Events

We will announce our events and planting schedule here, as well as on our social media. Stay tuned for dates and times.




Planting Event - Alto Alegre

  • 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Alto Alegre, RR

A tree planting event featuring native tree species organized by Treeback. Environmental education activities will be conducted with the local children.

Check it out



Planting Event - Cantá

  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Cantá, RR

A tree planting event featuring native tree species organized by Treeback, at the Tabalascada Indigenous Community.


Join Our Growing Community

People from all around the world are helping us combat climate change, save animal species, and create jobs by planting trees. Come make a difference too.

We got to know Treeback through our children as we contribute to the environment while traveling. Your work is wonderful, congratulations. Thank you, Treeback.


Fernanda Oliveira


Treeback in the Media

Find out what the media is saying about Treeback in Brazil.


Contact Us

Feel free to use our contact channels or social media to get in touch.

Equipe Treeback
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